This is the series that has come to name and define the survival horror genre, but with Capcom's attempt at trying to garner more attention from the gamers abroad it has become something...different. Fans of the original titles are now complaining that the series seems to have abandoned the original genre that it had originally helped create in favor of one that included more action. Even with the fan's negative outlook from this transformation, it became the standard to quite a few popular 3rd person shooters that would come after.
Resident Evil Rises Like The Zombies They Left Behind
The Resident Evil series started off as a watermark for the Survival Horror series way back in 1996 on the Sony Playstation showing myself and many others that a videogame could scare you in a very real way. The games continued on being ported to just about every system out there (I even played through RE2 on the N64 originally), finally getting the first true rebirth with Resident Evil 4 for the Nintendo Gamecube back in 2005 which followed up the hugely succesful Resident Evil 1 remake on the same system 3 years prior.
Read ahead for the new announcements that helped bring my hope back to this Zombie story!