Welcome to the first 4-person episode of the Zenspath Podcast as well as the first one that also has a contest for a free XBLA copy of Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet!
In order to get the game, you need to listen to the podcast, register on the site, and finally leave us a comment about what you thought of the show and tell us what music we used on this episode. [EDITORS NOTE: Because of the difficulty some people are having with my choice, I will be giving more clues as time goes on. This is a SNES ACCLAIM game.] Once we get a correct answer that person will get the code directly from me either via email, or we can get together on Xbox Live and exchange it that way. More games will be coming in the next few months as I can afford to do them, so please let people know so we can really get this little community going as well as what kinds of games or other give aways you would be interested in!
Now onto the show notes. We started things off with a very touchy and heated discussion about the whole Gamestop issue regarding them removing a code for a free copy of Deus Ex that Square-Enix had put into the retail PC copies of the game WITHOUT permission or even just letting Gamestop know about it before hand effectivly getting Gamestop to promote a direct competitor on their own dime. Not cool on Square-Enix, but the situation was handled poorly on Gamestops side as they played damage control when then opened and removed the codes from each game Square-Enix sold them. Eventually, after we recorded, they did issue a complete recall of the games and they have since been pulled from shelves until something can be fixed.
Other topics we covered:
* ICO/Shadow of the Colossus Collection bonus content
* Steel Battalion Heavy Armor for Kinect
* Battlefield 3 multiplayer
* New PSP in Europe with no Wi-Fi
* Resident Evil Revilations (3DS)
* Silent Hill HD Collection coming to 360 & PS3
* EA limiting physical and digital copies of Star Wars: The Old Republic
* Developers moving away from dedicated gaming systems
* PS3 price drop
* PS Vita games & Social Features shown off
* Playstation Home getting relaunched as an MMO
* New Devil May Cry
* Nintendo TGS event news and system rumors
* New Wii in Europe with no Gamecube support
* Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword releasing November 20th
* Kirby Wii coming October 24th
* Borderlands 2
* Canadian protest Valve
* Tekken coming to the 3DS and PS3
* Virtua Fighter V coming to XBLA & PSN
* Penny-Arcade making "The Decide-O-Tron"
* Minecraft wants to get some Quake on with Bethesda
And finally we get into a debate about the classic Windows game "Minesweeper". Neiko believes it to be a Strategy game, I (Jeremy) believe it is a Puzzle. What do you think? Comment below and let us know what you think!
Jeremy Powers
Editor and Host of the Zenspath Podcast
Click the link below to listen to the show, or right click and select "save as" to download the episode in a friendly little MP3 format for your very own!
Zenspath Podcast Episode 013