Smash 4 (Wii U) is coming out soon on November 21st and the hype has been insane for this game. Events are being held and tournaments planned. Yet out of all of this an interesting occurrence arose of a 10 year old girl named Karissa who is now being called by some "Karissa the Destroyer" for her amazing Smash 4 gameplay ability.
And now she is being shown to be possibly a fake set up by Gamestop.
I was amazed at what I saw when the article first got my attention and I saw the immediate reactions where people claimed it could not be true. I honestly hoped that it wasn't and even mentioned the people who claimed my own experiences with gaming have been Nintendo "plants" for publicity. I even went so far as to comment about it stating as much. The video looks real (as seen below) but there are some pretty big bits of evidence that have come up showing this to be a Gamestop fake.