It's Memorial Day 2011 and this episode of the Zenspath Podcast is hosted by the one and literally only Jeremy Powers! Everyone else had prior plans for the holiday weekend so I am venturing out like Link and going this adventure all by my lonesome. But fear not because this show I talk about Duke Nukem Forever finally going Gold, Call of Duty: MW3 trailer, Child of Eden being shown off, Forza Motorsports 4, Skype gets jacked to Xbox, Gears of War 3 trailers its story, developers have issue with free games, NGP may become PS Vita as well as loosing some spunk, PSP games grow up to be PS3 games, we see Dead Island, Batman gets a bird and a possible kid, Darksiders gets an expensive nerd toy, LA Noire kills some systems, and Capcom pulls a big FU to the buyers of their PC games. Enjoy!
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