Hey all, sorry this is almost a week late but I wanted to share a guest apperance I was fortunate enough to be invited on for the GamePolitics.com Super Podcast Action Committee special 100th Episode Google HangOut! I talked with Hosts Andrew Eisen and E. Zachary Knight, along with Gamepolitics.com Managing Editor James Fudge, fellow writter Jason D'Aprile, and Geek Culture Writer Carol Pinchefsky.
We talked about Nintendo and their current policies with YouTube, the upcoming E3 2014 show, and more! I had a blast and hope to be involved with their show again soon. Also, I admitted my Stockholm Syndrome for Nintendo...I guess the first step is admitting the issue, and the next will be to ignore it and play more Mario Kart 8.
Check the video below, as well as the original article over at Gamepolitics.com!