Nintendo Announces a Wii U Specific Event for Sep 13th

Nintendo stated today that they will be holding a press event in New York City on September 13th that is focused on the Wii U and will be hosted by Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime.  
According to their announcement, the event will be focused on "learning more about how the Wii U will change the future of gaming and entertainment" while hosting hands-on demos for the press after the main show.  
This isn't the first time Nintendo has done something like this as they had a similar event a mere two months before the 3DS launch earlier this year as well as one for the Wii a few months before its release back in 2006.
Hopefully this will give us the final price, release date, and what will be included in the box for what I believe will be a November 2012 release.