Zenspath Podcast Episode 010: 3 People, 1 Girl...lots of NEW!

Welcome back for Episode 010 of the Zenspath Podcast!  This episode we talk about the PSN finally coming back to life (took long enough), Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) both taken down by hackers and coming back up with the PSN in the span since last episode, Mortal Kombat is getting a Trilogy for PSN and XBLA...AGAIN..., Call of Duty goes for 3, and much more.  So enjoy this oddly short episode as we introduce two of the sites new co-hosts, Megan Edwards and AJ!

And rememeber to comment below, email us at Zenspath.com@Gmail.com, or follow us on Twitter @Zenspath.

Click the link below to listen to the show, or right click and select "save as" to download the episode in a friendly little MP3 format for your very own!

Zenspath Podcast Episode 010