This week Nintendo surprise dropped their upcoming Nintendo Switch hardware update, the Nintendo Switch Lite. Priced at $199 this is lined up (unofficially) to be the replacement of the Nintendo 3DS as it finally sunsets into its well deserved retirement. This new model is a unique one though, and even though it is named as a Switch, it is missing a few features including that very function.
Zenspath Podcast - Episode 011 - Nintendo Direct (13 Sep 2017)
Welcome to another great episode of the Zenspath Podcast! This week, Caleb & Jeremy talk about the recent Nintendo Direct that covered everything from the latest versions of Pokemon Sun & Moon, the release of Metroid: Samus Returns (and the lack of a copy for poor Caleb after a shipping issue), the fact that freaking DOOM & WOLFENSTEIN are coming to the Switch this year & next. Watch it below now or on Youtube!