N-Somniac Bioshock - Limited Edition Preview

Ok, unless you've been dead deep under the ocean (just wait for the vita-chamber), you've probably heard, seen, or hopefully gotten a chance to play the new Xbox360/PC (Direct X 9 &10) game called "Bioshock".  I will be posting my own thoughts and views of the game soon, but here we are with a treat..the first article/preview from the newest member to the Zenspath.com Staff - N-Somniac! (name withheld for our safety). 

It’s 9:45 am and I’m killing time in a retail shopping store waiting for the Gamestop next door to open. I’m standing in the electronics section staring at the only copy of Xbox 360’s Bioshock that just came out today and debating, should I get this now or wait 15 mins and chance getting the Limited Edition next door. As the time slowly creeped, I decided the latter and made my way next door.