Wii Announcements and Impressions

(Original Post - 9-16-06)

Well, the day finally came and almost all of our questions about the Wii were answered. The Wii will be hitting North America on November 19th for 249.99. This will come with the system, power cable, video cable (yet to be stated what kind it will be), vertical stand, sensor bar, sensor bar stand, 1 Wii-mote controller, 1 Nunchuck analog attachment, and (for the first time since the Super Nintendo) they are packing in a game - Wii Sports. Wii Sports has 5 separate sports designed for ease of use but to let you use the controller to play the games as real as you can. The sports will be Baseball (seems to be a kind of home run derby mode from what we have seen), Boxing (you use the two parts of the control as your two hands and box..easy), Tennis (you swing the racket, but don't have to actually run around the court, the game does that for you), and the newly announced Bowling (just swing the controller like a bowling ball...again, easy). When I get a chance I'm going to update this later with some images (cross your fingers on that going well) and maybe even some videos (that would be nice).