Welcome to Zens Path to Gaming Enlightenment (www.zenspath.com)! This page is still in development but, when completed, will hopefully serve as an entry to all people in the ever growing community of gaming for all ages. We are currently working on getting the forums up and running, so check back soon to sign up and help this site have a place for everybody to come and discuss their gaming lives. I hope to be able to cover games that myself and the future staff choose to let everybody know about ranging from the must haves all the way down to some of the ones that we want you to avoid at all costs. More than just rating and recommending what games we can, I want this site to have user submitted and staff editorials based on gaming subjects of the day that they feel their voice should be heard about. We want to cover everything from censorship, the new political interests of the field, explaining the ESRB rating system, even what games and systems that we recommend for people. Feel free to email us gaming related questions using the "Questions" link above. We'll try and get back with an answer as fast as we can! I hope we can hold this position well and gain some respect in the gaming industry for trying to make it better for our community as a whole. We as a community are growing at an exponential rate and I hope to see that growth continue and evolve right along with all of the new innovations that are being made every day on the tech and political sides of the field.